ACED Directory Member

Anne-Marie Culhane

Nearest Town: Exmouth


Anne-Marie Culhane

What do you do?

My work is framed within the context of the global climate and ecological emergency and inspired by the natural world. I am an artist, mentor, educator and collaborator. I work as across a range of artistic forms. I am particularly interested in mentoring artists and organisations in the arts of collaborative, community and environmental practice. Over 25 years I have created events, performances and award-winning long-term projects with communities that invite people into active and inquiring relationships with each other, the land and earth’s systems. My work takes place in outdoor spaces, community centres, parks, farms, the streets, river systems and sometimes in galleries and museums. I have exhibited and performed in UK and overseas.

Who would you like to collaborate with?

I work collaboratively with local groups of all ages, across generations, organisations, local authorities and universities.